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Writer's pictureHoward Cole

Snake River Trends and Flat Creek Being Flat Creek

The Snake River and its tributaries in the Jackson Hole valley continue to fish well. They have greatly benefitted by cooler temperatures and the intermittent rain we recently have been receiving. This has been the August trend for the last 5 or 6 years - wet and more moderate temperatures. The fall Mutant Stoneflies (Claassenia) have already been spotted. For this bug, it's a little earlier than normal. You might try a Brown/Tan Rubberleg to imitate the nymph and a September Stone Waterwalker for an adult dry. Other big dries that have been successful are the Royal Purple Chubby and the Purple Bruce. Hopper patterns have definitely come into play. The Frenchie, Spanish Bullet and Quill Jigs have been the go-to Jig Nymphs for us.

The Bureau of Rec has maintained very consistent releases from Jackson Lake (thank you!) and currently at 1600cfs. Hopefully this can continue and, with the temperate weather, so will fishing in Jackson Hole.

Fishing Flat Creek out on the Elk Refuge has been all over the map. Time and place seems to be the formula for success. From the shop's staff and reports from Flat Creek junkies, it appears that there is a good population of 16-20in fish in this stream section. Spinners, PMDs and Terrestrials have been the ticket. So... nothing new for Flat Creek!

Remember that a little stream etiquette can go a long way. Give your other fishermen plenty of space. All waters can take a fair amount of pressure if you treat your fellow angler the way you would like to be treated.

Until next time... good fishing!


Though a little pricy in the $350-$395 range, the Hardy Ultradisc Fly Reel is a great value, full of innovation and performance. It is the lightest reel Hardy has ever made and a true large arbor reel, which offers several benefits. One, because of its design, the fly line remains in much larger coils and doesn't have the small coil memory that a line gets from standard arbor reels. Two, because of its diameter, you can pick up line very quickly. Three, if we have a fish that takes a long run, the drag will remain similar because the line diameter stays relatively the same. A few additional features are a multi-disc drag system, a wide range of drag adjustments and an innovative semi-cage line guard preventing the fly line or leader from slipping out of the reel.


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